Wyatt Earp (1994)

Covering the life and times of one of the West's most iconic heroes Wyatt Earp weaves an intricate tale of Earp and his friends and family. With a star studded cast, sweeping cinematography and authentic costumes Wyatt Earp led the way during the Western revival in the 90's.

Wyatt Earp (1994)

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)


Released Year: 1994
Runtime: 191 minutes
Directors: Lawrence Kasdan


Covering the life and times of one of the West's most iconic heroes Wyatt Earp weaves an intricate tale of Earp and his friends and family. With a star studded cast, sweeping cinematography and authentic costumes Wyatt Earp led the way during the Western revival in the 90's.



ReelViews - James Berardinelli
Wyatt Earp's attempts to cover so many years lead to too many scenes with little emotional power. The film doesn't shoot blanks, and it is better than Tombstone, but, considering the names involved, a little disappointment isn't out of the question.
Washington Post - Unnamed
As a mindless popcorn shootout, Wyatt Earp is highly watchable. But this three-hour drama, starring Kevin Costner as the straight-shooting marshal, takes its time sliding out of the saddle.
Empire - Angie Errigo
Tedious Western, that's a disappointment given the talent involved.
Chicago Sun-Times - Roger Ebert
It's a rambling, unfocused biography of Wyatt Earp, starting when he's a kid and following his development from an awkward would-be lawyer into a slick gunslinger. This is a long journey, in a three-hour film that needs better pacing.
Austin Chronicle - Unnamed
It all comes off as too sketchy and too obvious, and after 90 minutes, we're bloated with incidents but still hungry for satisfying drama.

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Earp and his friends and family. With a star studded cast, sweeping cinematography and authentic costumes Wyatt Earp led the way during the Western revival in the 90's.

Covering the life and times of one of the West's most iconic heroes Wyatt Earp weaves an intricate tale of
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Earp and his friends and family. With a star studded cast, sweeping cinematography and authentic costumes Wyatt Earp led the way during the Western revival in the 90's.

Covering the life and times of one of the West's most iconic heroes Wyatt Earp weaves an intricate tale of
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Earp and his friends and family. With a star studded cast, sweeping cinematography and authentic costumes Wyatt Earp led the way during the Western revival in the 90's.

Covering the life and times of one of the West's most iconic heroes Wyatt Earp weaves an intricate tale of
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Earp and his friends and family. With a star studded cast, sweeping cinematography and authentic costumes Wyatt Earp led the way during the Western revival in the 90's.