Yosemite (2015)

It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.

Yosemite (2015)

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Released Year: 2016
Runtime: 80 minutes
Genre: Drama


It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.



Entertainment Weekly - Unnamed
Franco gives one of his most subtle performances yet as a recovering-alcoholic father, and the three young newcomers’ performances are honest and affecting, capturing what it feels like to be adrift and on the verge of adolescence.
The Hollywood Reporter - David Rooney
Yosemite is a contemplative drama, low-key perhaps to a fault. But Demeestere shows acute sensitivity in her understanding of boys and their growing awareness of the world, with its real and imagined menaces.
Variety - Dennis Harvey
Resolutely unshowy, sometimes almost too lower-case in its observations, Yosemite pays off in an authenticity that pervades both individual scene rhythms and performances.
Village Voice - Alan Scherstuhl
Like Gia Coppola's Palo Alto (2013), a lyric and biting evocation of contemporary well-to-do teendom, Gabrielle Demeestere's Yosemite mines Franco's fiction for its most vital quality: his unsentimental depiction of youthful insecurity, this time among fifth-graders.
The New York Times - Glenn Kenny
Ms. Demeestere’s direction winds up frustratingly splitting the difference between thoughtfully detached and just plain vague.

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It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the
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suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.

It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the
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suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.

It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the
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suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.

It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold in the
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suburban paradise of Palo Alto, as the threat of a mountain lion looms over the community.