The Way Way Back (2013)

Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he strikes up with one of the park's managers.

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The Way Way Back (2013)

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Released Year: 2013
Runtime: 103 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Directors: Nat Faxon, Jim Rash
Writers: Nat Faxon, Jim Rash


Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he strikes up with one of the park's managers.



New York Daily News - Joe Neumaier
With his rapid-fire delivery and big heart, Rockwell makes Owen his version of “M*A*S*H”’s Hawkeye Pierce, but the film’s layers of well-observed truths go deeper than that.
75 - William Goss
Faxon and Rush’s screenplay doesn’t deviate too far from formula, but their sturdy direction, bolstered by handsome production values, evokes a wistful sense of carefree summers and conjures up a potent amount of simmering teenage angst beneath the frequent chuckles.
The Playlist - Cory Everett
Comedy is hard all on its own, but comedy that resonates is a rare thing indeed. So it’s admirable that Rash and Faxon are continuing to head down that path they started with “The Descendants,” even if this film isn’t quite as refined.
Entertainment Weekly - Unnamed
There's something slightly formulaic and familiar about Nat Faxon and Jim Rash's coming-of-age film The Way, Way Back, but not enough to dampen its crowd-pleasing charm.
McClatchy-Tribune News Service - Roger Moore
The performances and the ready supply of one-liners make this an amusing look at a new generation getting lost down memory lane.

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Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he
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strikes up with one of the park's managers.

Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he
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strikes up with one of the park's managers.

Over the course of his summer break, a teenager comes into his own thanks in part to the friendship he
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strikes up with one of the park's managers.