The Polar Express (2004)
When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
The Polar Express (2004)
Released Year: 2004
Runtime: 100 minutes
Directors: Robert Zemeckis
Casts: Tom Hanks, Charles Fleischer, Michael Jeter, André Sogliuzzo, Jimmy Bennett, Debbie Lee Carrington, Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak, Nona Gaye, Daryl Sabara, Phil Fondacaro, Julene Renee, Peter Scolari, Eddie Deezen, Leslie Zemeckis, Steven Tyler, Chris Coppola, Josh Hutcherson, Isabella Peregrina, Ashly Holloway, Tinashe Kachingwe, Chantel Valdivieso, Chantel Valdivieso, Meagan Moore, Hayden McFarland, Matthew Hall, Dylan Cash, Brendan King, Andy Pellick, Connor Matheus, Evan Sabara, Dante Pastula, Josh Eli, Mark Mendonca, Rolandas Hendricks, Mark Goodman, Jon Scott, Gregory Gast, Gordon Hart, Mark Povinelli, Ed Gale, Eric Newton, Aidan O'Shea, Aaron Hendry, Kevin C. Carr, Bee Jay Joyer, Jena Carpenter, Karine Mauffrey, Elisabeth P. Carpenter, Bill Forchion, Devin Henderson, Sagiv Ben-Binyamin
IMDB: The Polar Express (2004)
When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
The Hollywood Reporter -
A story that soars with breakneck pace but slows in all the tender moments. Visually, this train ride is both majestic and edge-of-your-seat.
San Francisco Chronicle -
An enchanting, beautiful and brilliantly imagined film.
ReelViews -
Cinematic magic.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer -
For most of the way, it's indeed quite a ride: a cumulatively exhilarating, visually mouth-dropping, somberly stylish odyssey crammed full of virtuoso animation sequences.
Los Angeles Times -
It's hard not to wish this film were more of a piece and less like loud music at the wrong party.
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When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.