The Expendables 2 (2012)

Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

The Expendables 2 (2012)

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Released Year: 2012
Runtime: 103 minutes
Genre: Action, Thriller
Directors: Simon West


Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.



The Hollywood Reporter - Unnamed
The Expendables 2 offers the sendoff adrenaline junkies are seeking before the more sedate pace of fall releases.
Boxoffice Magazine - Amy Nicholson
This over-the-top sequel caters to the lowest common denominator in the best possible way, and it's so fully committed to brainless bombast that it muscles audiences to applaud by sheer force of will.
Slant Magazine - Unnamed
It plays out like a series wet-dream scenarios, performed by a cast of vintage action figures battered and broken from overuse, bleached and slightly molted from sitting in the sun too long.
Variety - Justin Chang
This muscle-bound meathead extravaganza is a sometimes blissfully cretinous endeavor, delivering the maximum firepower and zero brainpower its target audience expects.
The Playlist - Todd Gilchrist
As a film that even passingly acknowledges the disposability of stars in a genre whose artistic merits are considered negligible (if they're considered at all), The Expendables 2 is indispensable entertainment.

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on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered
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on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered
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on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered
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on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.