The Breakfast Club (1985)

Five disparate high school students meet in Saturday detention, and discover they have a lot more in common than they thought.

The Breakfast Club (1985)

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Released Year: 1985
Runtime: 97 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Directors: John Hughes


Five disparate high school students meet in Saturday detention, and discover they have a lot more in common than they thought.



Film Threat - Brad Laidman
This could have been an unmitigated disaster, but Hughes' way with the material ensured it a special place in the heart of just about everyone who happened to be in high school while Ronald Reagan was President.
Austin Chronicle - Marjorie Baumgarten
Before lapsing into the land of the insipid,... John Hughes actually made a few movies that shined some light on the trials of modern adolescence. The Breakfast Club is one of them.
Entertainment Weekly - Ty Burr
From the neon-sign opening titles to the derivative angst of the dialogue, it's a touchstone of '80s pop culture, and a schizophrenic one, too.
ReelViews - James Berardinelli
Eminently watchable and consistently entertaining...It has a candor that is unexpected and refreshing in a sea of too-often generic teen-themed films.
The Globe and Mail (Toronto) - Jay Scott
For all its contrivance, it's lively and amusing and occasionally disconcerting in its reproduction of what life was like in the mid-to-late teens.

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