The Bookshop (2017)
Set in an small English town in 1959, the story of a woman who decides, against polite but ruthless local opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
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The Bookshop (2017)
Released Year: 2017
Runtime: 110 minutes
Genre: Drama
Directors: Isabel Coixet
Casts: Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkson, Bill Nighy, Frances Barber, James Lance, Michael FitzGerald, Honor Kneafsey, Hunter Tremayne, Reg Wilson
IMDB: The Bookshop (2017)
Set in an small English town in 1959, the story of a woman who decides, against polite but ruthless local opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
The Seattle Times -
Those who love books, picturesque English villages and getting lost in actors’ faces should be very happy
The Hollywood Reporter -
Its subversive undercurrent, embodied in fine performances by Emily Mortimer and Bill Nighy, is what makes it really interesting.
Village Voice -
Though nearly nothing happens in this movie besides a woman opening a shop and beginning a standoffish friendship with a reclusive man, I still found myself drawn in, just as I was drawn to Iain’s discreet disaster of a baked Alaska (please check it out if you haven’t seen this TGBBS episode); sometimes the quiet is enticing.
Movie Nation -
Message and metaphor are all and The Bookshop, with its terrific cast and lovely setting, barely overcomes that burden.
The Guardian -
It is a strange, subdued, rather miserable film, interestingly perceptive on conformism and philistinism as a way of life, and on the disconcerting wiles the inhabitants use in order to thwart Florence’s entirely reasonable plans.
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Set in an small English town in 1959, the story of a woman who decides, against polite but ruthless local
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Set in an small English town in 1959, the story of a woman who decides, against polite but ruthless local
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Set in an small English town in 1959, the story of a woman who decides, against polite but ruthless local
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Set in an small English town in 1959, the story of a woman who decides, against polite but ruthless local
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.
Show all...opposition, to open a bookshop, a decision which becomes a political minefield.