The Beautician and the Beast (1997)
The story follows the misadventures of a New York City beautician who is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.
The Beautician and the Beast (1997)
Released Year: 1997
Runtime: 105 minutes
Directors: Ken Kwapis
Writers: Todd Graff
Casts: Timothy Dalton, Ian McNeice, Lisa Jakub, Tamara Mello, Patrick Malahide, Fran Drescher, Michael Lerner
The story follows the misadventures of a New York City beautician who is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.
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The story follows the misadventures of a New York City beautician who is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.
The story follows the misadventures of a New York City beautician who is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.
The story follows the misadventures of a New York City beautician who is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.