Spy (2015)

A desk-bound CIA analyst volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent diabolical global disaster.

Spy (2015)

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Released Year: 2015
Runtime: 120 minutes
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
Directors: Paul Feig
Writers: Paul Feig
IMDB: Spy (2015)


A desk-bound CIA analyst volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent diabolical global disaster.



The Hollywood Reporter - John DeFore
Laugh-stuffed and making excellent use of its marquee-grade supporting cast, it promises to be a home run in its early summer release.
Variety - Justin Chang
An uproarious blast of globe-trotting action-comedy delirium that doesn’t spoof the espionage-thriller genre so much as drop a series of banana peels in its path.
Hitfix - Drew McWeeny
There is a giddy sense of glee that runs through most of this movie, making it feel like Feig can barely contain himself with all of the things he wants to do and show you in the movie.
TheWrap - Alonso Duralde
Spy would be a standout if only for its ability to keep me laughing while also keeping me from figuring out who was really double-crossing whom. Add to that this extraordinary ensemble of actors (who knew Jason Statham could be this funny?), and you’ve got another memorable offering from McCarthy and Feig.
Screen International - Tim Grierson
This is a generous, consistently pleasurable comedy.

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