Shocker (1989)

After being sent to the electric chair, a serial killer uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police.

Shocker (1989)

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Released Year: 1989
Runtime: 109 minutes
Directors: Wes Craven


After being sent to the electric chair, a serial killer uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police.



The New York Times - Stephen Holden
With its freewheeling mixture of gore, surrealism and Freud, it will do almost anything to grab attention. If the movie's metaphors are as obvious and as portentous as the heavy metal music that punctuates the action, Shocker at least has the feel of a movie that was fun to make.
Time Out - Unnamed
Problems arise from an uncharacteristically loose structure, which frequently brings the movie to the brink of narrative collapse; Craven's visual flair and enthusiastic pacing nevertheless deliver ample (if sometimes frustrating) rewards.
TV Guide Magazine - Unnamed
A sloppy, often goofy chiller, the film is full of references to (and outright rip-offs from) other movies, especially those of New Line Cinema, Craven's erstwhile producer.
Variety - Unnamed
At first glance (or at least for the first 40 minutes) Shocker seems a potential winner, an almost unbearably suspenseful, stylish and blood-drenched ride courtesy of writer-director Wes Craven’s flair for action and sick humour. As it continues, however, the camp aspects simply give way to the ridiculous while failing to establish any rules to govern the mayhem. The result is plenty of unintentional laughs.

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After being sent to the electric chair, a serial killer uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry
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out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police.

After being sent to the electric chair, a serial killer uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry
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out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police.

After being sent to the electric chair, a serial killer uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry
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out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police.