Rushmore (1998)

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

Rushmore (1998)

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Released Year: 1998
Runtime: 93 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Directors: Wes Anderson


When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.



San Francisco Chronicle - Mick LaSalle
With its dry, throwaway humor and constant stream of chuckles, it creates its own category of stealth comedy.
100 - John Hartl
For me, the experience was much like seeing Mike Nichols' "The Graduate" and George Lucas' "American Graffiti" before the hype machines kicked in.
The New York Times - Elvis Mitchell
It's too smart to be maudlin.
Variety - Todd McCarthy
Wickedly funny.
San Francisco Examiner - G. Allen Johnson
A weird, wonderful and funny work that stands as a true original. As if that weren't enough, director and co-writer Anderson has given Bill Murray his best role in years.

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Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named
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Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named
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Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named
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Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.