The Rugrats Movie (1998)

Tommy faces responsibility when Dil, his new baby brother, is born. As with all newborns, the child becomes a bane to Tommy and the rest of his gang. They decide to return Dil to where he came from, the hospital, but they get lost along the way. Can they find their way home and can Tommy and Dil learn to get along?

The Rugrats Movie (1998)

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Released Year: 1998
Runtime: 79 minutes
Writers: David N. Weiss


Tommy faces responsibility when Dil, his new baby brother, is born. As with all newborns, the child becomes a bane to Tommy and the rest of his gang. They decide to return Dil to where he came from, the hospital, but they get lost along the way. Can they find their way home and can Tommy and Dil learn to get along?



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to Tommy and the rest of his gang. They decide to return Dil to where he came from, the hospital, but they get lost along the way. Can they find their way home and can Tommy and Dil learn to get along?

Tommy faces responsibility when Dil, his new baby brother, is born. As with all newborns, the child becomes a bane
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to Tommy and the rest of his gang. They decide to return Dil to where he came from, the hospital, but they get lost along the way. Can they find their way home and can Tommy and Dil learn to get along?

Tommy faces responsibility when Dil, his new baby brother, is born. As with all newborns, the child becomes a bane
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to Tommy and the rest of his gang. They decide to return Dil to where he came from, the hospital, but they get lost along the way. Can they find their way home and can Tommy and Dil learn to get along?

Tommy faces responsibility when Dil, his new baby brother, is born. As with all newborns, the child becomes a bane
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to Tommy and the rest of his gang. They decide to return Dil to where he came from, the hospital, but they get lost along the way. Can they find their way home and can Tommy and Dil learn to get along?