No Strings Attached (2011)

Emma is a busy doctor who sets up a seemingly perfect arrangement when she offers her best friend Adam a relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?

No Strings Attached (2011)

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (34 votes, average: 2.88 out of 5)


Released Year: 2011
Runtime: 107 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Directors: Ivan Reitman


Emma is a busy doctor who sets up a seemingly perfect arrangement when she offers her best friend Adam a relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?



Orlando Sentinel - Roger Moore
It's a movie benefiting from another sparkling, sexy and emotionally available performance by Natalie Portman.
Village Voice - Unnamed
At times, No Strings Attached feels almost shockingly attuned to the particular angst of its time and place.
ReelViews - James Berardinelli
There are fitful sparks between him (Kutcher) and Portman, but he is unable to sustain viewer interest in his character. She becomes the dominant figure and that throws off No Strings Attached's balance and impacts the all-important chemistry.
Variety - Justin Chang
As it is, No Strings Attached is content to be sweet rather than edgy, to make you go "awww" instead of "hmmm."
Arizona Republic - Bill Goodykoontz
It leads exactly where we think it will on a sometimes funny, ultimately predictable, journey.

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relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?

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relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?