Never Goin’ Back (2018)

Waitresses Angela and Jessie dream of leaving their low-rent diner and heading to Galveston, Texas. They soon find themselves on the streets of Dallas, trying to come up with increasingly wild schemes to raise some much-needed cash.

Never Goin’ Back (2018)

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Released Year: 2018
Runtime: 87 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Directors: Augustine Frizzell


Waitresses Angela and Jessie dream of leaving their low-rent diner and heading to Galveston, Texas. They soon find themselves on the streets of Dallas, trying to come up with increasingly wild schemes to raise some much-needed cash.



IndieWire - Eric Kohn
Less moment-to-moment funny than committed to a sustained pitch of devilish glee, Never Goin’ Back couches its silliness in a credible milieu of American malaise. The women may never understand how they might find a better place, but the movie makes the case that their unending commitment to getting there might be good enough.
Variety - Peter Debruge
Inspired at least in part by stunts Frizzell pulled when she was her characters’ age, this raucous parade of humiliation and embarrassment packs all the appeal of an outrageous anecdote hilariously retold by someone who can scarcely believe they ever did something so stupid.
Village Voice - Abbey Bender
Writer-director Augustine Frizzell, making her feature directorial debut, is attuned to the giddy intimacies of female friendship, and Mitchell and Morrone are a charismatic pair.
The New York Times - Jeannette Catsoulis
By rights, Never Goin’ Back should be a chore to sit through. The jokes are dated, the behavior tasteless and the setups tired. Yet the movie has a ramshackle charm that’s due entirely to its vivacious leads, whose mutual devotion and easy, unlabeled sexuality feels endearingly innocent.
TheWrap - Robert Abele
Never Goin’ Back, which Frizzell has admitted is in ways an honest, personal reckoning with incidents in her own fumbling adolescence, has something many comedies simply fail to care about: a spark-filled joie de vivre about the stupidity of youth that lifts it above many more cynically crass (and typically male) examples of the genre.

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Waitresses Angela and Jessie dream of leaving their low-rent diner and heading to Galveston, Texas. They soon find themselves on
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the streets of Dallas, trying to come up with increasingly wild schemes to raise some much-needed cash.