Monumental (2016)

Two young men journey across the U.S.A to honor one's mother by spreading her ashes at monuments she always dreamed of visiting. Along the way they encounter interesting characters and dangerous situations that force them to question their own character and their life-long friendship. Marital strife, jail time, car chases, old secrets and a demolition derby all threaten to derail their trip and their lives.

Monumental (2016)

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Released Year: 2016
Runtime: 100 minutes
Genre: Action, Drama
Directors: Scott B. Hansen


Two young men journey across the U.S.A to honor one's mother by spreading her ashes at monuments she always dreamed of visiting. Along the way they encounter interesting characters and dangerous situations that force them to question their own character and their life-long friendship. Marital strife, jail time, car chases, old secrets and a demolition derby all threaten to derail their trip and their lives.



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