Mom and Dad (2017)

In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill their own offspring.

Mom and Dad (2017)

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Released Year: 2018
Runtime: 84 minutes
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Directors: Brian Taylor
Writers: Brian Taylor


In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill their own offspring.



Variety - Dennis Harvey
Though sure to be distasteful for some viewers even to ponder, this giddy exercise transcends mere bad-taste humor to become one of the great jet-black comedies about suburbia.
ScreenCrush - Matt Singer
Mom and Dad gives Cage his most plausible in-story excuse to unleash his total Cageosity since Face/Off. Given a juicy part and the freedom to do whatever he wants, he embraces Brent’s madness with obvious glee.
IndieWire - Ben Croll
More than the fervid cartoon violence and Cage’s rococo line readings, the film’s greatest asset lies in its simple, cold-blooded premise.
Slant Magazine - Chuck Bowen
Writer-director Brian Taylor's Mom and Dad invests a hoary conceit with disturbing and hilarious lunacy.
The Hollywood Reporter - Leslie Felperin
Zero-to-60 speed crazy is pretty much right in Cage’s wheelhouse, and he offers up a perfectly amusing comical workout of the madman shtick he could pretty much do in this sleep at this point. More impressive is Blair, a chronically underused talent who gets to demonstrate her already established flair for comedy and more besides in a role to which she brings a surprisingly level of nuance.

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their own offspring.

In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
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their own offspring.

In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
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their own offspring.

In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
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their own offspring.