Mom and Dad (2017)
In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill their own offspring.
Mom and Dad (2017)
Released Year: 2018
Runtime: 84 minutes
Directors: Brian Taylor
Writers: Brian Taylor
Casts: Nicolas Cage, Joseph D. Reitman, Lance Henriksen, Selma Blair, Samantha Lemole, Olivia Crocicchia, Michael Yurchak, Marilyn Dodds Frank, Grant Morrison, Rachel Melvin, Christine Dye, George Griffith, Zackary Arthur, Brionne Davis, Lorena Diaz, Charles Poole, Michelle Poole, Angie Willmott, Anne Winters, Matthew W. Allen
Show all... Theresa Cook, Megan Chelf Fisher, Nathaniel Sizemore, Robert T. Cunningham, Mehmet Öz, Rob Gough, Bishop Stevens, Tonya Roberts, Dale Miller, Emmalee Parker, Brett Mahoney, Tyler Sopland, Katie Stewart
Show all... Theresa Cook, Megan Chelf Fisher, Nathaniel Sizemore, Robert T. Cunningham, Mehmet Öz, Rob Gough, Bishop Stevens, Tonya Roberts, Dale Miller, Emmalee Parker, Brett Mahoney, Tyler Sopland, Katie Stewart
IMDB: Mom and Dad (2017)
In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill their own offspring.
Variety -
Though sure to be distasteful for some viewers even to ponder, this giddy exercise transcends mere bad-taste humor to become one of the great jet-black comedies about suburbia.
ScreenCrush -
Mom and Dad gives Cage his most plausible in-story excuse to unleash his total Cageosity since Face/Off. Given a juicy part and the freedom to do whatever he wants, he embraces Brent’s madness with obvious glee.
IndieWire -
More than the fervid cartoon violence and Cage’s rococo line readings, the film’s greatest asset lies in its simple, cold-blooded premise.
Slant Magazine -
Writer-director Brian Taylor's Mom and Dad invests a hoary conceit with disturbing and hilarious lunacy.
The Hollywood Reporter -
Zero-to-60 speed crazy is pretty much right in Cage’s wheelhouse, and he offers up a perfectly amusing comical workout of the madman shtick he could pretty much do in this sleep at this point. More impressive is Blair, a chronically underused talent who gets to demonstrate her already established flair for comedy and more besides in a role to which she brings a surprisingly level of nuance.
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In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
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In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
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Show all...their own offspring.
In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
Show all...their own offspring.
Show all...their own offspring.
In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill
Show all...their own offspring.
Show all...their own offspring.