Middle Man (2016)

When a hapless, unfunny, wanna-be comedian picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on his way to Vegas to audition for the Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.

Middle Man (2016)

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Released Year: 2017
Runtime: 100 minutes
Directors: Ned Crowley
Writers: Ned Crowley


When a hapless, unfunny, wanna-be comedian picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on his way to Vegas to audition for the Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.



The Seattle Times - Tom Keogh
In more careless hands, Middle Man’s deranged farce could have resulted in an unchecked, undisciplined movie with nothing to say. But beneath the roller-coaster madness here is an earthbound terror that art is meant to reveal.
The Hollywood Reporter - John DeFore
The execution is weak, and Crowley does himself no favors by repeatedly invoking the memory of more psychologically persuasive films like Five Easy Pieces and Deliverance.
Variety - Scott Tobias
Crowley’s thinly conceived debut feature only has one big joke, and everything around it is either long-winded setup or deflating letdown.
Los Angeles Times - Katie Walsh
It commits the worst comedy crime of all — there’s no punchline.

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Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.

When a hapless, unfunny, wanna-be comedian picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on his way to Vegas to audition for the
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Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.

When a hapless, unfunny, wanna-be comedian picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on his way to Vegas to audition for the
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Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.

When a hapless, unfunny, wanna-be comedian picks up a mysterious hitchhiker on his way to Vegas to audition for the
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Monte Guy show, he unwittingly becomes trapped in a desert-town killing spree that also has a very unexpected consequence - it improves his comedy.