Mercury Plains (2016)

A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug cartels. He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive.

Mercury Plains (2016)

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Released Year: 2016
Runtime: 102 minutes
Directors: Charles Burmeister


A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug cartels. He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive.



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A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug
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cartels. He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive.

A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug
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cartels. He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive.

A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug
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cartels. He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive.