Marauders (2016)

An untraceable group of elite bank robbers is chased by a suicidal FBI agent who uncovers a deeper purpose behind the robbery-homicides.

Marauders (2016)

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Released Year: 2016
Runtime: 107 minutes
Genre: Action
Directors: Steven C. Miller


An untraceable group of elite bank robbers is chased by a suicidal FBI agent who uncovers a deeper purpose behind the robbery-homicides.



Chicago Sun-Times - Richard Roeper
It’s pulp, but it has real actors doing real acting in a gritty story — which is a lot more than can be said for some of the much more high-profile buddy cop movies of the last couple of years.
The A.V. Club - Alex McCown
Marauders is like a sophomoric college essay: It’s full of interesting ideas that get bungled in the execution.
Los Angeles Times - Noel Murray
An otherwise plain action picture carried by strong performances and a mildly compelling mystery.
The New York Times - Glenn Kenny
Marauders lays out a scenario in the first 40 minutes or so that, oddly enough, makes you think “this is not an entirely uninteresting premise for a thriller.” But after that, things devolve into “this is extremely far-fetched” and, finally, “this is goofy.”
IndieWire - David Ehrlich
Part of the problem is that films like Marauders have become so synonymous with cut-rate mediocrity that their awfulness is almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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