Lucky (2017)
Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
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Lucky (2017)
Released Year: 2017
Runtime: 88 minutes
Directors: John Carroll Lynch
Writers: Drago Sumonja, Logan Sparks
Casts: Beth Grant, Ed Begley Jr., Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Shabaka Henley, Ron Livingston, Tom Skerritt, David Lynch, Yvonne Huff, James Darren
IMDB: Lucky (2017)
Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
The Playlist -
Lucky is a film perfectly nuanced for Stanton but executed in its full potential by none other — it’s a sobering portrait dedicated to one of cinema’s greatest actors.
Variety -
Everything Harry Dean Stanton has done in his career, and his life, has brought him to his moment of triumph in “Lucky,” an unassumingly wonderful little film about nothing in particular and everything that’s important
IndieWire -
Lynch’s directorial debut is a wisp of a movie, blowing across the screen like a tumbleweed, but it’s also the rare portrait of mortality that’s both fun and full of life.
The A.V. Club -
It’s a remarkable gift to fans and cinephiles that Lucky serves as a first-rate showcase for its star as well as an ideal swan song. The man couldn’t have gone out any better.
The New York Times -
The accumulation of spot-on performances and long-familiar faces, small-town routines and dusty-worn locations, finally coalesces into a picture that’s greater than the sum of its oft-clichéd parts.
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Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.
Show the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.