Lost River (2014)
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.
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Lost River (2014)
Released Year: 2015
Runtime: 95 minutes
Directors: Ryan Gosling
Writers: Ryan Gosling
Casts: Eva Mendes, Carey Torrice, Wayne Brinston, Ron Causey , Nesti Gee, Linda Linsley, Melissa Marra, Saoirse Ronan, Ben Mendelsohn, Christina Hendricks, Demi Kazanis, Matt Smith, Reda Kateb, Garrett Thierry, Nate Hatton, Barbara Steele, Iain De Caestecker, Jeff Hill, Landyn Stewart, Rob Zabrecky
Show all... Shannon Plumb, Torrey Wigfield, Misty Robinette, Holly Schlegel, Thomas McDonald, Larry Mongo, Robert Skrok, Aris Costner, K.T. Almujahid, Joseph Norman, Angela Hearts-Glass, Dorothy Bennich, Darnell James, Alexis Mabry-Hart, Alexander Burke, Elijah Daniel, Erin Emanii, Cody Stauber
Show all... Shannon Plumb, Torrey Wigfield, Misty Robinette, Holly Schlegel, Thomas McDonald, Larry Mongo, Robert Skrok, Aris Costner, K.T. Almujahid, Joseph Norman, Angela Hearts-Glass, Dorothy Bennich, Darnell James, Alexis Mabry-Hart, Alexander Burke, Elijah Daniel, Erin Emanii, Cody Stauber
IMDB: Lost River (2014)
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.
Film.com -
Ryan Gosling wanted to make an art film and, despite some dull patches, pretty much succeeded.
CineVue -
This is the kind of oddball midnight movie that could easily gain a cult following and there are delights to be had in the midst.
Hitfix -
Lost River is a beautifully dressed minor effort, a movie in which all the muscle in the world can't transform the thin, thin script into something more.
IndieWire -
Rather than making his own movie, Gosling has composed a messy love letter to countless others.
The Playlist -
Given the talent assembled, the emptiness at its center only makes it feel like more of a waste. But it does look great, it does sound great (the score, by "Drive" soundtrack contributor Johnny Jewel, is one of the film's best elements), and can be fitfully interesting.
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A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
Show all...a secret underwater town.
Show all...a secret underwater town.
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
Show all...a secret underwater town.
Show all...a secret underwater town.
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
Show all...a secret underwater town.
Show all...a secret underwater town.
A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
Show all...a secret underwater town.
Show all...a secret underwater town.