Lost River (2014)

A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.

Lost River (2014)

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Released Year: 2015
Runtime: 95 minutes
Directors: Ryan Gosling
Writers: Ryan Gosling


A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to a secret underwater town.



Film.com - Jordan Hoffman
Ryan Gosling wanted to make an art film and, despite some dull patches, pretty much succeeded.
CineVue - John Bleasdale
This is the kind of oddball midnight movie that could easily gain a cult following and there are delights to be had in the midst.
Hitfix - Drew McWeeny
Lost River is a beautifully dressed minor effort, a movie in which all the muscle in the world can't transform the thin, thin script into something more.
IndieWire - Eric Kohn
Rather than making his own movie, Gosling has composed a messy love letter to countless others.
The Playlist - Oliver Lyttelton
Given the talent assembled, the emptiness at its center only makes it feel like more of a waste. But it does look great, it does sound great (the score, by "Drive" soundtrack contributor Johnny Jewel, is one of the film's best elements), and can be fitfully interesting.

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A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
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A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
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A single mother is swept into a dark underworld, while her teenage son discovers a road that leads him to
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a secret underwater town.