Joy (2015)

A story based on the life of a struggling Long Island single mom who became one of the country's most successful entrepreneurs.

Joy (2015)

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Released Year: 2015
Runtime: 124 minutes
Directors: David O. Russell
IMDB: Joy (2015)


A story based on the life of a struggling Long Island single mom who became one of the country's most successful entrepreneurs.



The Telegraph - Robbie Collin
Since Joy is a David O. Russell film, the presence of a) Lawrence and b) bizarre, fizz-popping explosions of catharsis are to be expected. But the ringmaster of The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle seems to have mellowed a little, which means fewer outright belly laughs, but a more layered and involving emotional landscape.
Time Out London - Cath Clarke
Lawrence is gritty, real and totally genuine. And, after ‘Brooklyn’ and ‘Carol’, here’s another film that passes the Bechdel Test for proper female characters with flying colours.
The Playlist - Rodrigo Perez
Playing like a slightly more reflective B-side to the director's greatest hits, his style in this film isn’t for the more cerebral audiences. But for the viewer who relates to family dysfunction, its maddening contradictions and its mercurial tenor, Joy can be painfully funny, engaging and full of relatable heartache.
The Hollywood Reporter - Todd McCarthy
That the film itself is nearly as chaotic as the clan it examines can either be regarded as an admirable artistic correlative or a crippling defect, but the splendidly dextrous cast ensures that this goofy success story, which could just easily be titled American Hustle 2, keeps firing on all cylinders in the manner of the writer-director's previous few outings.
IndieWire - Eric Kohn
A sunny ode to capitalism, the movie is a coy advertisement of its own. In that context, it's a whole lot better than one might expect, and loaded with talent unabashedly hawking their wares.

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