I Give It a Year (2013)

After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation and incompatibility put their relationship in jeopardy.

I Give It a Year (2013)

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Released Year: 2013
Runtime: 97 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Directors: Dan Mazer


After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation and incompatibility put their relationship in jeopardy.



Film.com - William Goss
The beats and trappings are all standard-issue, but the gags are funny enough, often enough, to offset such routine proceedings.
The Hollywood Reporter - Unnamed
An above-average number of laugh-out-loud set pieces compensate for the resulting wobbly narrative.
Variety - Leslie Felperin
If the emotional mathematics don’t quite add up, enough diversion is provided by pic’s broader comic setpieces to paper over the cracks.
The Guardian - Peter Bradshaw
The result is funny and plausible, with a fair bit of newly modish Bridesmaidsy bad taste, though I kept getting the sense that the romcom template meant Mazer couldn't really let rip with pure comedy pessimism and cynicism in the way he might have liked.
The Telegraph - Robbie Collin
In the end it amounts to not much, but in the moment I laughed a lot.

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After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation
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After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation
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After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation
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and incompatibility put their relationship in jeopardy.