How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017)

Croydon, 1977. A trio of punk teenagers goes to a party to meet girls, but they find that girls there are very different from what they expected.

How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017)

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Released Year: 2017
Runtime: 103 minutes


Croydon, 1977. A trio of punk teenagers goes to a party to meet girls, but they find that girls there are very different from what they expected.



The Playlist - Nikola Grozdanovic
This outer space oddity is destined for the cult-classic section of some future camp horror and sci-fi B-movie aisle.
Screen International - Lee Marshall
How To Talk To Girls at Parties shouldn’t work, as it feels at times like a film made by a talented student collective who overheard a ‘punk vs aliens’ elevator pitch. But work it does: it’s all a bit mad, but ultimately rather moving.
IndieWire - Eric Kohn
Mitchell transforms Neil Gaiman’s sci-fi short story into a vibrant, edgy and at times outright goofy statement on tough antiestablishment rebels and freewheeling hippy vibes, suggesting that they’re not really all that that different.
The Hollywood Reporter - David Rooney
Ultimately, this psychedelic culture-clash comedy-romance takes what was at heart a relatively simple story by Gaiman, which channeled bold sci-fi imagination into relatable adolescent experience, and overcomplicates it beyond repair.
The Film Stage - Jordan Ruimy
The lack of narrative propulsion or powerful subtext of any kind results in little dramatic substance beyond its cult-like ambitions.

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Croydon, 1977. A trio of punk teenagers goes to a party to meet girls, but they find that girls there
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Croydon, 1977. A trio of punk teenagers goes to a party to meet girls, but they find that girls there
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are very different from what they expected.

Croydon, 1977. A trio of punk teenagers goes to a party to meet girls, but they find that girls there
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are very different from what they expected.

Croydon, 1977. A trio of punk teenagers goes to a party to meet girls, but they find that girls there
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are very different from what they expected.