Hotel Mumbai (2019)

The true story of the 2008 Taj Mahal Palace Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai when hotel staff risked their lives to keep everyone safe, and as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.

Hotel Mumbai (2019)

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Released Year: 2019
Runtime: 125 minutes
Directors: Anthony Maras


The true story of the 2008 Taj Mahal Palace Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai when hotel staff risked their lives to keep everyone safe, and as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.



Film Threat - Andy Howell
No amount of words that can convey the sense of the film, because it is such a gut-punch of emotion.
The Guardian - Unnamed
Hotel Mumbai is an excellent, white-knuckle thriller – and an unlikely crowd-pleaser.
Screen International - Sarah Ward
Writer/director Anthony Maras largely sticks to the dramatisation playbook, but does so in an effective, affecting and empathetic fashion.
IndieWire - David Ehrlich
What redeems Hotel Mumbai from morbid opportunism is that, in all but its slickest and most Hollywood moments, the thrills of Maras’ heart-wrenching re-enactment are never an end unto themselves.
The Hollywood Reporter - Jordan Mintzer
The film is both gripping in its execution — although a two-hours-plus running time feels a bit stretched — and totally bland in what it’s trying to say, with characters who don’t really stand out onscreen.

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to keep everyone safe, and as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.

The true story of the 2008 Taj Mahal Palace Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai when hotel staff risked their lives
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to keep everyone safe, and as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.

The true story of the 2008 Taj Mahal Palace Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai when hotel staff risked their lives
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to keep everyone safe, and as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.

The true story of the 2008 Taj Mahal Palace Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai when hotel staff risked their lives
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to keep everyone safe, and as people make unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and their families.