Holy Man (1998)

Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious experience, and takes America by storm.

Holy Man (1998)

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Released Year: 1998
Runtime: 114 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Directors: Stephen Herek


Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious experience, and takes America by storm.



Chicago Reader - Lisa Alspector
Goldblum and Murphy outdo each other in their odd roles, each minimizing his tendency toward shtick and giving a convincing dramatic performance.
The New York Times - Elvis Mitchell
For all the funny possibilities of Mr. Murphy's neat transformation here, the latest comedy from Stephen Herek ("Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure," "The Mighty Ducks") doesn't know what to do with him.
Chicago Sun-Times - Roger Ebert
A love story about two people with no apparent chemistry, whose lives are changed by a stranger who remains an uninteresting enigma. No wonder it just sits there on the screen.
ReelViews - James Berardinelli
The result is a poorly-focused motion picture characterized by limp satire and capped off by a final fifteen minutes that could send half of the audience into sugar shock.
The Globe and Mail (Toronto) - Rick Groen
Holy Man sure isn't raucous; instead, in the main, it's just quietly unamusing.

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Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious
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Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious
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experience, and takes America by storm.

Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious
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experience, and takes America by storm.

Eddie Murphy stars as an over-the-top television evangelist who finds a way to turn television home shopping into a religious
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experience, and takes America by storm.