Hide Away (2011)
A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.
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Hide Away (2011)
Released Year: 2012
Runtime: 88 minutes
Genre: Drama
Directors: Chris Eyre
IMDB: Hide Away (2011)
A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.
Village Voice -
The film stays afloat, if barely, thanks to Elliot Davis's uncluttered camerawork, a surprisingly unsentimental denouement, and performers who deftly undersell the script's corniest pretensions.
Movieline -
It's a slender story of mourning that manages some lovely bits of mood while also being dreary and a little preposterous in its spareness.
Los Angeles Times -
This quiet, atmospheric drama (originally titled "A Year in Mooring") feels padded even in its brief running time; it's a slight mood piece posing as a character study.
Time Out -
This is a man-versus-nature parable heavy on the sappy existentialism that's very much of our time. Call it Nicholas Sparks's The Grey.
New York Daily News -
The film doesn't play games; it's basically just Lucas going through a short story-like period of reflection and redemption almost entirely without dialogue. It's not enough, but it is what this underappreciated actor does best.
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A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.
A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.
A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.
A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.