Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)

Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to botch a couple of routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he decides to attend his 10 year high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)

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Released Year: 1997
Runtime: 107 minutes
Directors: George Armitage


Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to botch a couple of routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he decides to attend his 10 year high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.



Entertainment Weekly - Lisa Schwarzbaum
High school reunions should only be this satisfying.
Los Angeles Times - Kenneth Turan
A wild at heart, anarchic comedy that believes in living dangerously.
Rolling Stone - Peter Travers
A bright burst of action and comedy with a cast that makes for rousing good company.
Chicago Tribune - Michael Wilmington
Grosse Pointe Blank is covering the same kind of territory as that elephantine, if exciting, 1994 family man-killer thriller, "True Lies." But this time, the joke stings. [11 April 1997, Friday, p.A]
Newsweek - David Ansen
A premise this preposterous must be carried off with unflappable comic conviction, and Cusack is just the right man for the job.

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Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to botch a couple of
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routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he decides to attend his 10 year high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to botch a couple of
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routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he decides to attend his 10 year high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to botch a couple of
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routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he decides to attend his 10 year high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Martin Blank is a freelance hitman who starts to develop a conscience, which causes him to botch a couple of
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routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary and his psychiatrist, he decides to attend his 10 year high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.