Frontier(s) (2007)
A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis.
Frontier(s) (2007)
Released Year: 2007
Runtime: 108 minutes
Directors: Xavier Gens
Casts: Patrick Ligardes, Karina Testa, Aurélien Wiik, David Saracino, Maud Forget, Samuel Le Bihan, Chems Dahmani, Amélie Daure, Estelle Lefébure, Rosine Favey, Adel Bencherif, Joël Lefrançois, Jean-Pierre Jorris, Stéphane Jacquot, Christine Culerier
IMDB: Frontier(s) (2007)
A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis.
The New York Times -
Although at times Mr. Gens veers dangerously close to the unpardonable, with images that evoke the Holocaust too strongly, Frontier(s) finally works because its shivers are as plausible as they are outrageous.
TV Guide Magazine -
Though neither subtle nor particularly original, Gens' spin on the meat-movie classic has both nightmarish energy to spare.
The A.V. Club -
There's no depth, surprises, or wit to the screenplay, which seems motivated by the sole desire to generate the vilest, most disgusting people and images imaginable.
Variety -
Can a movie be an adrenalin-fueled, blood-gushing thrill ride and still be as boring as dirt? Apparently. The French answer to "Hostel" and "Saw" -- Frontier(s) is a 100-minute hemorrhage that doesn't bring anything to the operating table of torture-porn but more gore, cruelty and misery.
L.A. Weekly -
As a satire of France's recent turn to the right, Frontier(s) is both hysterical and muddled; as straight-up splatter -- a Grand Guignol concerto of scalding steam, slashed tendons and table saw, with a solo for exploding head -- it's as relentless as it is hateful, hammily directed and derivative of the dreariest slop in contemporary American horror cinema.
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A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at
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A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at
Show Inn run by neo-Nazis.
Show Inn run by neo-Nazis.
A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at
Show Inn run by neo-Nazis.
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