Following (1998)
A struggling, unemployed young writer takes to following strangers around the streets of London, ostensibly to find inspiration for his new novel.
Following (1998)
Released Year: 1999
Runtime: 70 minutes
Directors: Christopher Nolan
Casts: Paul Mason, Jeremy Theobald, John Nolan, Lucy Russell, Alex Haw, Dick Bradsell, Gillian El-Kadi, Jennifer Angel, Nicolas Carlotti, Darren Ormandy, Guy Greenway, Tassos Stevens, Tristan Martin, Rebecca James, David Bovill
IMDB: Following (1998)
A struggling, unemployed young writer takes to following strangers around the streets of London, ostensibly to find inspiration for his new novel.
The New York Times -
The usual elements of scheming and deception are well represented here, but they are made all the knottier by shifting time frames.
The Hollywood Reporter -
Christopher Nolan's noirish thriller is an uncommonly polished and assured feature debut, highly clever textually and supremely accomplished technically. This ultra low-budget exercise marks the emergence of a significant directorial talent. [13 April 1999]
San Francisco Chronicle -
That the movie succeeds as thoroughly as it does -- getting deeper and creepier as it goes along -- is evidence of a far-seeing creative imagination. Nolan is a compelling new talent.
Miami Herald -
Following is a pitch-black crime story, but never forgets its gentler side. It is, at 70 minutes, a slim movie, but by the time it concludes in inevitable tragedy, Nolan's characters have accomplished something rare for an openly nihilistic work: sympathy. [10 Sep 1999, p.10G]
Los Angeles Times -
As a psychological mystery it plays persuasively if not profoundly. Nolan relishes the sheer nastiness he keeps stirred up, unabated for 70 minutes. You can, too, provided you don't ask more of it.
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A struggling, unemployed young writer takes to following strangers around the streets of London, ostensibly to find inspiration for his new novel.
A struggling, unemployed young writer takes to following strangers around the streets of London, ostensibly to find inspiration for his new novel.