The Final Countdown (1980)

In 1980, the US Navy's most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in the Pacific. Enveloped by a strange green light, the ship passes through a vortex and when they emerge, their communications have been cut off. The ship's Captain (Kirk Douglas) sends out a patrol and the F-14 pilots are shocked to encounter vintage Japanese warplanes.

The Final Countdown (1980)

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Released Year: 1980
Runtime: 103 minutes
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Directors: Don Taylor


In 1980, the US Navy's most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in the Pacific. Enveloped by a strange green light, the ship passes through a vortex and when they emerge, their communications have been cut off. The ship's Captain (Kirk Douglas) sends out a patrol and the F-14 pilots are shocked to encounter vintage Japanese warplanes.



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In 1980, the US Navy's most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in
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In 1980, the US Navy's most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in
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the Pacific. Enveloped by a strange green light, the ship passes through a vortex and when they emerge, their communications have been cut off. The ship's Captain (Kirk Douglas) sends out a patrol and the F-14 pilots are shocked to encounter vintage Japanese warplanes.

In 1980, the US Navy's most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in
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the Pacific. Enveloped by a strange green light, the ship passes through a vortex and when they emerge, their communications have been cut off. The ship's Captain (Kirk Douglas) sends out a patrol and the F-14 pilots are shocked to encounter vintage Japanese warplanes.

In 1980, the US Navy's most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in
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the Pacific. Enveloped by a strange green light, the ship passes through a vortex and when they emerge, their communications have been cut off. The ship's Captain (Kirk Douglas) sends out a patrol and the F-14 pilots are shocked to encounter vintage Japanese warplanes.