Fatal Attraction (1987)

A married man's one night stand comes back to haunt him when that lover begins to stalk him and his family.

Fatal Attraction (1987)

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Released Year: 1987
Runtime: 119 minutes
Directors: Adrian Lyne


A married man's one night stand comes back to haunt him when that lover begins to stalk him and his family.



Washington Post - Hal Hinson
This is a spectacularly well-made thriller. It is an odd thing, really -- the movie is sexy and at the same time a warning about the costs of sex.
Variety - Unnamed
The screws are tightened expertly in this suspenseful meller about a flipped-out femme who makes life hell for the married man who scorns her.
The New York Times - Janet Maslin
Mr. Lyne takes a brilliantly manipulative approach to what might have been a humdrum subject and shapes a soap opera of exceptional power.
Washington Post - Unnamed
Fatal Attraction rings the changes on your atavistic emotions. Walking out of the theater, you might have a sudden desire to club a woolly mammoth and hide your family in a dark cave -- away from people like Glenn Close.
Empire - Angie Errigo
Two absolutely riveting performances and a smart reversal of the usual male-female stalker scenario leave behind a nasty taste and an unforgettable cinema experience.

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