Doctor Sleep (2019)

A traumatized, alcoholic Dan Torrance meets Abra, a kid who also has the ability to "shine." He tries to protect her from the True Knot, a cult whose goal is to feed off of people like them in order to remain immortal.

Doctor Sleep (2019)

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IGN - Unnamed
The scary and powerful Doctor Sleep works best when doing its own thing rather than recreating parts of The Shining.
USA Today - Brian Truitt
The Overlook Hotel is still plenty creepy, as is the crusty naked ghost lady in Room 217. But the adaptation of Stephen King's Doctor Sleep is more likely to keep you awake at night with the fresher stuff than the retreads.
ScreenCrush - Matt Singer
Like HBO’s new Watchmen series, Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep doesn’t simply rehash its source material, and instead uses its characters, setting, and themes in smart and novel ways.
Empire - Chris Hewitt (1)
Working off source material that is very different from its predecessor, anyone expecting a straightforward Shining sequel will be disappointed. This isn’t a gruelling exercise in pure horror. It’s odder and more contemplative, but worth checking in.
The Hollywood Reporter - Todd McCarthy
It doesn’t have Jack Nicholson, Stanley Kubrick or even much of the Overlook Hotel, but Rebecca Ferguson and other good actors provide some shine of their own in Doctor Sleep, a drawn-out and seldom pulse-quickening follow-up to The Shining that still has enough going on to forestall any audience slumber.

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her from the True Knot, a cult whose goal is to feed off of people like them in order to remain immortal.

A traumatized, alcoholic Dan Torrance meets Abra, a kid who also has the ability to "shine." He tries to protect
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her from the True Knot, a cult whose goal is to feed off of people like them in order to remain immortal.

A traumatized, alcoholic Dan Torrance meets Abra, a kid who also has the ability to "shine." He tries to protect
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her from the True Knot, a cult whose goal is to feed off of people like them in order to remain immortal.

A traumatized, alcoholic Dan Torrance meets Abra, a kid who also has the ability to "shine." He tries to protect
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her from the True Knot, a cult whose goal is to feed off of people like them in order to remain immortal.