Detour (2013)

Trapped inside his car by a mudslide, smooth talking Jackson Alder suddenly finds himself in a situation he can't talk his way out of. With no hope of rescue, he must defy the odds; battling Mother Nature for his survival.

Detour (2013)

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Released Year: 2013
Runtime: 87 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Directors: William Dickerson


Trapped inside his car by a mudslide, smooth talking Jackson Alder suddenly finds himself in a situation he can't talk his way out of. With no hope of rescue, he must defy the odds; battling Mother Nature for his survival.



Paste Magazine - Scott Wold
Despite doubling as a plausibility-straining endorsement for the battery life of Apple’s iPhone, Dickerson’s claustrophobic survival thriller proves itself a technically proficient, expertly paced affair.
Village Voice - Alan Scherstuhl
The performance and filmmaking are invigorating.
The Hollywood Reporter - Frank Scheck
Detour is a tautly efficient thriller that fully succeeds in making the viewer identify with its hapless protagonist’s desperate plight.
The New York Times - Jeannette Catsoulis
At times the groan and scream of collapsing metal sounds so authentic you might mistake Jackson’s heavy breathing for your own.
The A.V. Club - Scott Tobias
Dickerson passes on the occasion for existential drama and goes for the race-against-the-clock urgency of an ordinary guy trying to crawl out of his predicament. It’s effective enough, but there isn’t much to it.

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