Chronically Metropolitan (2016)

A cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York City to confront his family, his ex-girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears.

Chronically Metropolitan (2016)

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Released Year: 2017
Runtime: 90 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Directors: Xavier Manrique
Writers: Nicholas Schutt


A cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York City to confront his family, his ex-girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears.



Los Angeles Times - Gary Goldstein
The result is a chronically “meh” coming-of-age meets dysfunctional-family tale, with a particularly unsatisfying ending.
Village Voice - Unnamed
Director Xavier Manrique’s film fails to drum up more than clichés about rich-people problems.
TheWrap - Elizabeth Weitzman
The best way to watch Chronically Metropolitan is to think of it as a parody of a particularly pretentious brand of indie romance. Unfortunately, though, director Xavier Manrique and writer Nicholas Schutt (“Blood & Oil”) play it so solemnly straight for their feature debut that it seems unlikely they’re aiming for satire.
The New York Times - Ken Jaworowski
One longs to praise Mr. Manrique for attempting a serious-minded story in this, his first feature. But there needs to be a real reason to embrace it, rather than what’s on this screen.

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A cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York
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City to confront his family, his ex-girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears.

A cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York
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City to confront his family, his ex-girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears.

A cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York
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City to confront his family, his ex-girlfriend and a few lingering childhood fears.