Carnage (2011)
After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
Carnage (2011)
Released Year: 2011
Runtime: 80 minutes
Directors: Roman Polański
Writers: Yasmina Reza
IMDB: Carnage (2011)
After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
The Hollywood Reporter -
Snappy, nasty, deftly acted and perhaps the fastest paced film ever directed by a 78-year-old, this adaptation of Yasmina Reza's award-winning play God of Carnage fully delivers the laughs and savagery of the stage piece.
Boxoffice Magazine -
Relatively light-hearted for a Polanski film (no one dies), Carnage is fun verbal warfare cleanly filmed.
Slant Magazine -
One doesn't have to look too closely at Carnage's final shot to marvel at the way Polanski refuses to haughtily indict his audience in the pettiness of his characters' behavior.
New York Post -
Fast, furious and often funny. But no blood is truly shed (except literally in a playground fight during the opening credits).
IndieWire -
Polanski struggles to make the material more cinematic, toying with clever mise-en-scene to showcase the mounting tensions. However, Carnage repeatedly suffers from an internal tension between the possibilities of two media at odds with each other.
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After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.
Show all...Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.