The Birth of a Nation (2016)

Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virgina that results in a violent retaliation from whites.

The Birth of a Nation (2016)

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Released Year: 2016
Runtime: 120 minutes
Directors: Nate Parker
Writers: Nate Parker


Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virgina that results in a violent retaliation from whites.



Consequence of Sound - Justin Gerber
The Birth of a Nation is one of the most confident writing and directorial debuts in recent memory.
Hitfix - Drew McWeeny
This film puts Nat Turner and his moral journey dead center, and it asks you to take an unflinching look at how an inhuman system broke the human beings trapped in it.
New York Magazine (Vulture) - Bilge Ebiri
It's a beautiful, reflective film even as it is also a brutal, visceral one.
The Playlist - Russ Fischer
In script and performance, the film is an articulate howl of anguish and rage given depth by a discerning comprehension of the ways various communities can rely on faith for very different means.
Variety - Justin Chang
A biographical drama steeped equally in grace and horror, it builds to a brutal finale that will stir deep emotion and inevitable unease. But the film is perhaps even more accomplished as a theological provocation, one that grapples fearlessly with the intense spiritual convictions that drove Turner to do what he had previously considered unthinkable.

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Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virgina that results
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in a violent retaliation from whites.

Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virgina that results
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in a violent retaliation from whites.

Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virgina that results
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in a violent retaliation from whites.

Nat Turner, a former slave in America, leads a liberation movement in 1831 to free African-Americans in Virgina that results
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in a violent retaliation from whites.