Billy Jack (1971)
Ex-Green Beret hapkido expert saves wild horses from being slaughtered for dog food and helps protect a desert "freedom school" for runaway.
Billy Jack (1971)
Released Year: 1971
Runtime: 114 minutes
Directors: Tom Laughlin
Writers: Tom Laughlin, Delores Taylor
Casts: Howard Hesseman, Victor Izay, Cisse Cameron, David Roya, Clark Howat, Tom Laughlin, Susan Foster, Delores Taylor, Teresa Kelly, Julie Webb, Debbie Schock, Lynn Baker, Susan Sosa, Katy Moffatt, Gwen Smith
IMDB: Billy Jack (1971)
Ex-Green Beret hapkido expert saves wild horses from being slaughtered for dog food and helps protect a desert "freedom school" for runaway.
The New Yorker -
There's a sweet, naive feeling to the movie even when it's violent and melodramatic and atrocious, and when it's good it's good in an unorthodox, improvisatory style.
Chicago Sun-Times -
There are a lot of things in Billy Jack that are seriously conceived and very well-handled. Some of the scenes at the school, for example, with real kids experimenting with psychodrama, are interesting. Some of the action scenes are first-rate. But the movie has as many causes in it as a year's run of the New Republic.
Variety -
Screenplay attempts to encompass too many story facets. Result is that the action frequently drags.
The Dissolve -
Billy Jack is a film of violent contradictions. It is a fortysomething über-square’s tribute to the promise and potential of the hippies, as well as an intensely violent homage to non-violence.
The New York Times -
The whole picture nicely conveys a Southwestern atmosphere. But much too often, at the cost of plain credibility, it stacks its cards, characters and even credo like any rootin', tootin' Western.
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Ex-Green Beret hapkido expert saves wild horses from being slaughtered for dog food and helps protect a desert "freedom school"
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Ex-Green Beret hapkido expert saves wild horses from being slaughtered for dog food and helps protect a desert "freedom school"
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Ex-Green Beret hapkido expert saves wild horses from being slaughtered for dog food and helps protect a desert "freedom school"
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Ex-Green Beret hapkido expert saves wild horses from being slaughtered for dog food and helps protect a desert "freedom school"
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