Beyond the Reach (2014)
A high-rolling corporate shark and his impoverished young guide play the most dangerous game during a hunting trip in the Mojave Desert.
Beyond the Reach (2014)
Released Year: 2014
Runtime: 95 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Directors: Jean-Baptiste Léonetti
Casts: Jeremy Irvine, Michael Douglas, Ronny Cox, Martin Palmer, Hanna Mangan Lawrence, Patricia Bethune, David Garver
IMDB: Beyond the Reach (2014)
A high-rolling corporate shark and his impoverished young guide play the most dangerous game during a hunting trip in the Mojave Desert.
The Playlist -
For a movie that rides on a well-executed, modest and at times playful B-movie engine, the film stumbles in its final third, with goofy plotting... and a turn from the subdued to the hysterical.
Movie Nation -
The folks re-adapting White’s book for Beyond the Reach tamper and tinker with perfection — a little overly convenient cheating here, a contrived finale that goes wrong and then goes more wrong. The film staggers under these blows and never really recovers.
Observer -
The formulaic cat-and-mouse game played to the death rattle by Michael Douglas’ rich, vicious corporate maniac and Jeremy Irvine’s nice, clean-cut, homespun country boy in Beyond the Reach is so old it’s hairy.
Village Voice -
Madec and Ben's showdown becomes a battle to see which type of man is best equipped for survival: the well-funded scoundrel or the honest grunt. The film is too honest itself to always give us the answer we want. It's also too dully on-the-nose to entertain.
Arizona Republic -
Beyond the Reach is a misfire, one of those movies that never quite rises to the level of guilty pleasure.
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