Awake (2021)
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
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Awake (2021)
Released Year: 2021
Runtime: 96 minutes
Directors: Mark Raso
Writers: Joseph Raso, Mark Raso
Casts: Barry Pepper, Gil Bellows, Ryan Blakely, Frances Fisher, Julia Chantrey, Shawn Ahmed, Patrick Garrow, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Sergio Di Zio, Bill Lake, Finn Jones, Trevor Hayes, Lucius Hoyos, Sebastian Pigott, Gina Rodriguez, Shamier Anderson, Joan Gregson, Martha Girvin, Ariana Greenblatt, Dan Beirne
Show all... Edsson Morales, Chai Valladares, Brigitte Robinson, Elias Edraki, Alex House, Rebecca Ablack, Julia Dyan-Porter, Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah, Helen Hayden, Shane Marriott, Katerina Taxia, Liz Adjei, Robert Bazzocchi, Angel Jara
Show all... Edsson Morales, Chai Valladares, Brigitte Robinson, Elias Edraki, Alex House, Rebecca Ablack, Julia Dyan-Porter, Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah, Helen Hayden, Shane Marriott, Katerina Taxia, Liz Adjei, Robert Bazzocchi, Angel Jara
IMDB: Awake (2021)
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Los Angeles Times -
If the end-of-the-world genre seems downright somnambulant lately, Awake is jolting proof a fiendishly clever twist can shake it from its doldrums.
| -
Awake has just enough scares and strangeness, plus a sense of dread and paranoia, to make its horror creepy and enjoyable. It’s not a flawless thriller, but enough different elements click into place, like Rodriguez and Greenblatt’s performances.
Paste Magazine -
There are a few tense moments, good performances and a fair variety of settings to make it feel like a complete journey. But by having some science-fiction cause for why nobody sleeps, it’s not about actual insomnia in any way that’s relatable to anyone.
San Francisco Chronicle -
Awake fails only in the sense that it’s a movie in one note, and thus its story only knows one direction, which is downhill.
The A.V. Club -
Awake becomes the saga of a mom’s redemption. Rodriguez works hard to make this personal angle compelling, exhibiting mama-bear ferocity, but the film’s ultra-bleak premise doesn’t cooperate.
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After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Show all...consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.