America’s Sweethearts (2001)

In the midst of a nasty public breakup of married movie stars, a studio publicist scrambles to put a cap on the escalating situation as the couple's latest film has found it's only print kidnapped by the director.

America’s Sweethearts (2001)

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Released Year: 2001
Runtime: 102 minutes
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Directors: Joe Roth


In the midst of a nasty public breakup of married movie stars, a studio publicist scrambles to put a cap on the escalating situation as the couple's latest film has found it's only print kidnapped by the director.



Washington Post - Desson Thomson
Terrifically funny romantic comedy, is a slam-dunk for Julia Roberts, the Michael Jordan of cuteness.
Miami Herald - Rene Rodriguez
For the farce it so desperately wants to be, the film often feels slack and too reliant on so-so punch lines for laughs.
Chicago Tribune - Michael Wilmington
All these good actors and all Crystal's sass and witty candor can't bring back the heyday of Billy Wilder and Preston Sturges. Or even, most of the time, their off-days.
Philadelphia Inquirer - Steven Rea
Christopher Walken has the best moments in the whole thing, portraying the wacked-out auteur of the Gwen-and-Eddie vehicle. Sadly, he's only in America's Sweethearts a few hilarious minutes.
Portland Oregonian - Unnamed
Surprise! Crystal has given himself most of the best lines, though he also allows a Doberman to have its way with him.

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In the midst of a nasty public breakup of married movie stars, a studio publicist scrambles to put a cap
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on the escalating situation as the couple's latest film has found it's only print kidnapped by the director.

In the midst of a nasty public breakup of married movie stars, a studio publicist scrambles to put a cap
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on the escalating situation as the couple's latest film has found it's only print kidnapped by the director.

In the midst of a nasty public breakup of married movie stars, a studio publicist scrambles to put a cap
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on the escalating situation as the couple's latest film has found it's only print kidnapped by the director.