American Son (2019)
Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing teenage son.
American Son (2019)
Released Year: 2019
Runtime: 90 minutes
Genre: Drama
Directors: Kenny Leon
Writers: Christopher Demos-Brown
IMDB: American Son (2019)
Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing teenage son.
The Hollywood Reporter -
Any failure to expand into cinema's possibilities is overshadowed by the uniformly strong performances in a four-person cast led by an excellent Kerry Washington.
Movie Nation -
American Son never quite lapses into terrible, but as with a play that needs another week of out of town tryouts, it “never gets on its feet,” either.
Variety -
The overly finished language and theatrical intensity levels that might be potently effective onstage lose any pretense of naturalism under the camera’s unblinking gaze.
The New York Times -
At some point you’re tempted to stop following the narrative and start keeping score between husband and wife. It’s a good debate. It just isn’t much of a movie.
| -
All these “what incredible irony!” moments are designed to…well, I’m not quite sure. The movie’s final line, an appropriation of the dying words of a black man killed by police, is an exploitative and cheap reversal that legitimately addresses precisely nothing.
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Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing
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Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing
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Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing
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