Boy A (2007)
The story of a young ex-con Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child.
Boy A (2007)
Released Year: 2007
Runtime: 100 minutes
Directors: John Crowley
Casts: Peter Mullan, Andrew Garfield, Siobhan Finneran, Katie Lyons, Shaun Evans, Alfie Owen, James Young, Jeremy Swift, Taylor Doherty, Anthony Lewis, Tilly Vosburgh, Josef Altin, Skye Bennett, Steven Pacey
IMDB: Boy A (2007)
The story of a young ex-con Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child.
Wall Street Journal -
Andrew Garfield's phenomenal performance makes room for the many and various pieces of Jack's personality, whether or not they're securely fastened together.
Village Voice -
The film's both smart and devastating as it unthreads interwoven questions about redemption, justice, and the pivotal role of history in shaping an individual and his actions.
The New York Times -
Mr. Garfield's performance makes Jack so endearing and vulnerable that as he takes his first wobbly steps, like a baby bird shoved from its nest, your instincts are protective.
Salon -
A compelling, compact melodrama that packs an emotional wallop. It's my nominee for sleeper surprise of the summer, at least so far.
Jack, as played by Andrew Garfield, comes across as agonized, desperately anxious to get things right -- something you might also say about the filmmakers, who have turned Boy A's very particular story into a scary, universal and wrenching social statement.
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The story of a young ex-con Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child.
The story of a young ex-con Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child.
The story of a young ex-con Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child.
The story of a young ex-con Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a murder he committed as a child.