Gimme Shelter (2013)

After running away from her abusive mother, a streetwise teen seeks refuge with her father, but he rejects her when he learns that she's pregnant.

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Gimme Shelter (2013)

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Released Year: 2013
Runtime: 101 minutes
Genre: Drama
Directors: Ron Krauss
Writers: Ron Krauss


After running away from her abusive mother, a streetwise teen seeks refuge with her father, but he rejects her when he learns that she's pregnant.



Village Voice - Amy Nicholson
Though the arc of the film is as saccharine as a Precious Moments figurine — and it'll play that way for audiences who can't be bothered to look closer — Hudgens is too honest to believe in simple, happy endings.
Arizona Republic - Randy Cordova
Most of the time, it simply coasts along at the level of a typical Lifetime TV movie.
McClatchy-Tribune News Service - Roger Moore
It’s the sort of movie whose finale leaves you wondering, “Why do they always leave out what happens next?”
Miami Herald - Connie Ogle
As a film, though, Gimme Shelter is unremarkable, a predictable story of redemption that happens awfully fast, to a girl who only seems to be in peril briefly — and has a rich dad to bail her out.
42 - Unnamed
For all of Krauss’ clearly good intentions, the film still falls staggeringly flat, even with the inclusion of a bold and unexpected performance from Vanessa Hudgens, doing her damndest to break out of the Disney mold and turn in actual work here.

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After running away from her abusive mother, a streetwise teen seeks refuge with her father, but he rejects her when he learns that she's pregnant.

After running away from her abusive mother, a streetwise teen seeks refuge with her father, but he rejects her when he learns that she's pregnant.

After running away from her abusive mother, a streetwise teen seeks refuge with her father, but he rejects her when he learns that she's pregnant.

After running away from her abusive mother, a streetwise teen seeks refuge with her father, but he rejects her when he learns that she's pregnant.